Return and Repairs
Most companies find the process of managing repairs and returns to be tedious. Outsource this function to TEK Services and see improvements in record keeping, turn-around time and cost.
Are your customers frustrated at the long time it takes to handle a repair? TEK strives to meet a 10 day trun around on return/repoari orders whenever feasible.
Do returns bog down your customer service and shipping/receiving departments?
TEK Services can manage your RMAs quickly and efficiently, while communicating with your employees the status of each and every item.
Our Process...
We mainly focus on electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical repairs and services include:
Disposition – TEK Services will directly receive the repair item, inspect it, and determine if it is economical to repair.
Dispose – we will dispose of product that is not repairable, and provide information to the customer as to the reason.
Repair – we will repair damaged or defective product on the customer’s behalf to their specification.
Repackage – we will repackage returned and/or repaired product.
Reship – we will ship product to the customer, or, if they desire, direct to the end user.

Kanban Systems
TEK Services sets up repair parts on a Kanban system, making sure we never run out of materials. No stock-outs mean fewer delays for your customers.